Hi there
I really appreciate you creating an account to leave a comment, but I wish you weren't hurting so badly.
You know what, I had a bottle like that too. Mine was filled with psychiatric medication. And my go-to drink would've been vodka and orange juice, with a dash of salt. The similarity is almost amusing if it wasn't so grim.
I've thrown that bottle of pills away though. I hope you'll discard your cocktail bottle too. It wasn't easy to discard it. I felt like I tossed away a "safety net", but I wanted to get better.
I don't know what happened in your past and what your relationships are like at the moment, I believe that if we hang on to guilt and past mistakes, we'll never heal. We can't change what we did in the past, but we can try to make the present right. And if you're trying to make things right, please be nicer to yourself. You're suffering enough as it is.
I hope you're seeking professional help or talking to someone about it. Having 6 children and a wife who loves you - that's really really precious. I'm sure they'd rather have you around. I hope you'll be able to work out your issues and be able to fully enjoy being with your family one day.
I don't know you, but I'm rooting for you.