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Tag. We’re It!
I got booped to play a game called “tag, we’re it”, writer edition! It’s the best game of tag I’ve ever been part of — no running, no hiding. Only writing. Yes, I’m not athletic at all.
How this works — when you are nominated, you make a post answering the questions posed to you — then tag a bunch of other unsuspecting people to answer questions you make up for them.
I was tagged by the brilliant Sherry Mayle to answer her questions. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t delighted. I love the way she thinks and writes!
Here are my answers.
1.Starting with a softball question: Who’s your favorite writer?
Stephen King. Horror is my favorite genre, and I love the straightforward way he writes. He’s descriptive but not fancy and there’s no beating around the bush.
Fun fact: I’ve read so many of his novels that his voice has become very familiar, like a friend’s. Instead of feeling creeped out, I feel comforted when I read his novels. Go figure!